Raghavendra Balgi


My Pages

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Welcome to my GitHub pages. In here you’ll find links to some of my blogs, experiments etc.

About me

I’m a software developer working as a freelance consultant in Bangalore, India. I have more than 17 years of experience developing distributed systems for the payments/financial industry.

Some of my older blog posts can be found here and here

My Projects




I have worked a long time in the payments space, and you’ll find that I’ve done quite a bit of work around ISO8583 messaging

isosim and libiso are two Go projects that can be used for testing ISO8583 related things -

I have other GitHub repo’s related to ISO8583 simulators/libraries in other languages like Java, JavaScript and Rust.

https://github.com/rkbalgi/tcptester is a Java library for TCP/IP load testing. I wrote this as a smaller alternative for JMeter based raw TCP testing.